Meet The Horses


Klassy is the horse who started it all for Alex. She was her Christmas Present in 2009 at the age of 14. Klassy is the horse who taught her so much through the years. These two have been through a lot of changes and health challenges. Klassy is the horse that a toddler can be led around on and then turn around and compete at the Barrel Race. She is often used in lessons teaching the students new things every time they climb on her back.


Maverick is a 7-year-old Quarter Horse Gelding. He was Katleyn’s first horse. He is a sweet boy who also teaches a lot of lessons throughout the week. Just recently Katelyn has been kind enough to allow him to become Alex’s horse. Maverick is the horse that will teach you a lot and also be a steady ride each time. He is loyal and looks to Alex for guidance in new surroundings. He is our resident puppy dog!


Royal belongs to Katelyn Underhill. Katelyn purchased her at the age of 2 and has owned her since 2020. Royal is our youngest on the farm. She is learning how to teach lessons to some of the older girls. Royal and Katelyn have a bond like no other!


Stark also belongs to Katelyn. He is a 25-year-old Percheron Gelding. Katelyn rescued him in 2021 and has given him his quality of life back. He enjoys his days in the pasture and the occasional trail ride.


Kenai is a 2.5 year old gelding. He is also a Wild Mustang. He was adopted by Alex in July of 2023. He was born in the wild lands of Wyoming and has the tip of his left ear missing from frost bite. He is allowing us to pet him more and more each day. He is a very soft and gentle boy


Little Wolf belongs to our Barn owner Katie. She is a 22-year-old Quarter Horse who is easygoing. She is used often for beginner lessons due to her soft nature and easygoing personality.


Native is a 1.5-year-old Wild Mustang mare recently adopted by Katelyn in July of 2023. She is a curious girl and is getting closer each day to allowing Katelyn to interact with her.


Amari was also adopted by Katelyn in July of 2023 and is a 2-year-old Wild Mustang. From the very beginning, she allowed us to pet her on-site at the adoption and continues to enjoy all of the pets given to her.